β€œThe ripple effect of restored joy is boundless and more infectious than disease.” -Richelle

Our vision

Restoring hope and health one city at a time through synergistic team of practitioners, therapists and trained volunteers. Integrating a full spectrum of healing modalities that offer lasting and vibrant health; physically, emotionally and spiritually, in a green, non-toxic, spa-like environment.

Spreading joy one city at a time.

Our mission

Making whole person wellness, more accessible and affordable while bridging the gap between natural medicine and faith. 

Cultivating a loving, kind, non- judgmental, non-discriminating atmosphere as a doorway of hope, health and healing to our members regardless of economic status, faith or creed.

What we believe

We believe in a personal, practical and powerful God. We believe that diet; environment, emotions and our beliefs are intrinsically connected and must all be addressed for vibrant living.

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